First Selectman – Michael Criss
Duties: The Annual Report lists a yearlong review of the present first selectman’s activities. Copies available at the library or town hall.
Board of Selectmen – Evan Brunetti
Duties: The basic function of the Board of Selectmen consists of calling town meetings, proposing budgets to Town Meeting, setting public policy, calling elections, licensing, appointing and supervising department heads and employees, setting certain fees, overseeing certain volunteer and appointed bodies, and creating basic regulations. *Source: Town Website
Board of Finance – Tim Bobroske and Charles Casella
Duties include the review and recommendation of the annual
town budget, audits and to act on other fiscal matters pertaining to the
town. The Board of Finance is also in charge of setting the Mill Rate and funding expenditures.
*Source: Town Website
Board of Assessment Appeals – Terrence Ferrarotti
Board of Assessment Appeals Alternate – Tamara Barry
Duties: real estate and personal property appeals.
Appeals must be in the Assessor’s office by February 20. The
meeting in September is for motor vehicle appeals.
*Source: Town Website
Planning Commission – Christopher Ravlin and William Hall
Duties: Oversees adherence to the Subdivision Regulations.
These Regulations apply to subdivisions and re-subdivisions of land
within the Town of Harwinton.
No subdivision or re-subdivision of land shall be made by any person,
firm or corporation until an application for such subdivision or re-subdivision has been submitted to and approved by the Planning
Commission and a map thereof has been endorsed by the
Commission and approved and filed by the applicant in the office of
the Harwinton Town Clerk. *Source: Town Website
Zoning Commission – Daniel Thurston and Michelle Rewenko
Zoning Commission Alternate – Theodore Root and Don Truskauskas
Duties: Oversee new construction or alter current structures on property within Harwinton. For more information please see the Zoning Regulations.
Zoning Board of Appeals – Theodore Root Jr.
Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate – Pamela Root
The Harwinton Zoning Board of Appeals, among other duties,
holds public hearings to determine and vary the application of the
zoning bylaws, ordinances or regulations in harmony with their generalpurpose and intent and with due consideration for public health, safety, welfare, and property values, where, owing to conditions especially affecting a parcel of land but not affecting generally the district or zone in which it is situated, a literal enforcement of such bylaws, ordinances or regulations would result in exceptional and unusual hardship. See Town site for more information.
Board of Education – John Vecchitto and Scott Ragaglia
The main function of the Board of Education is to adopt goals and policies that meet state requirements and reflect community needs. They also work on the budgeting for the school system in Region 10.